Location of Defibrillators (AEDs)
MPCS has 10 (ten) defibrillators on campus in case of an emergency. The AED boxes contain a Stop the Bleed kit and also contain stock Epipens, as noted below. Knowledge of exactly where all AEDs are located is required of all coaches. AED locations are
- preschool lobby (Epipen and Epipen Jr.)
- high school front office (Epipen)
- in front of the Hughes Gymnasium (Epipen and Epipen Jr.)
- outside of the middle school head’s office in the Mulkey Building (Epipen and Epipen Jr.)
- next to the main door entry at the fitness center (Epipen)
- first floor lobby of the Murray Arts Center
- dance hallway outside of black box theater in the Murray Arts Center (Epipen and Epipen Jr.)
- Kristy Lynn Theater in the tech booth
- baseball fieldhouse women’s restroom (Epipen and Epipen Jr.)
- family restroom at the stadium (Epipen and Epipen Jr.)
- portable AED carried by athletic trainer at games as assigned (not all games/practices)